
Too Cuddly

Eating, drinking and trying to be merry


December 2014

Dairy and the dangers!

In the past couple of weeks, we discovered that Mrs Cuddly has a dairy allergy. That kind of explains a lot when you look back at it. Perhaps hack in the day it was just an intolerance, but due to some gastritis it has become a serious and threatening problem. Simply brushing her hand over her face can bring out a rash and numbness of the lips and swelling, so it’s really kicked in.

This has lead to some serious searching in the supermarkets and REALLY makes shopping trips take an entire ice age. This is because we have to check every jar, bottle, bag and tin to check for milk products. Continue reading “Dairy and the dangers!”

About time

The weather around here has been so mild that up until a few days ago people were still wearing 3/4s!  Then it seems as if winter has finally made itself known

Ice on car roof Continue reading “About time”

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